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High up in the Andes mountains in the city of Quosqo, or Cuzco...
High up in the Andes mountains in the city of Quosqo, or Cuzco...

...the distinctive Cathedral of Cusco in the Plaza de Armas...
...the distinctive Cathedral of Cusco in the Plaza de Armas...

...with its combination of Spanish and native architectures...
...with its combination of Spanish and native architectures...

...has its unique Earthquake Lord Black Christ, made of wood which has collected centuries of candle soot and grime, flanked by Mary and Joseph...
...has its unique Earthquake Lord Black Christ, made of wood which has collected centuries of candle soot and grime, flanked by Mary and Joseph... 1650 an earthquake ceased as the figure was brought outside into the Plaza, which led to the annual Lord of Miracles Procession each October. 1650 an earthquake ceased as the figure was brought outside into the Plaza, which led to the annual Lord of Miracles Procession each October.

Guinea pigs mingle with chickens inside Inca homes in the countryside...
Guinea pigs mingle with chickens inside Inca homes in the countryside...

...and they form one of the staple foods of the Incas in the Andes...
...and they form one of the staple foods of the Incas in the Andes...

...paintings by local artists depicting the Last Supper show the local dish of viscacha (guinea pig) on the table...
...paintings by local artists depicting the Last Supper show the local dish of viscacha (guinea pig) on the table...

...this Last Supper by Marcos Zapata, with its prominent guinea pig, is in the Cathedral of Cusco.
...this Last Supper by Marcos Zapata, with its prominent guinea pig, is in the Cathedral of Cusco.

The striking St Francis of Assisi Church in Lima...
The striking St Francis of Assisi Church in Lima...

...features guinea pig in another Last Supper painting...
...features guinea pig in another Last Supper painting...

...where the local produce of papaya and yucca is served alongside guinea pig...
...where the local produce of papaya and yucca is served alongside guinea pig...

...extensive tiled walkways display intricate craftsmanship...
...extensive tiled walkways display intricate craftsmanship...

...and the church also has a fine library.
...and the church also has a fine library.

...but St Francis Church is unusual for its extensive catacombs...
...but St Francis Church is unusual for its extensive catacombs...

...where the bones from some 70,000 people are sorted and preserved in their own categories...
...where the bones from some 70,000 people are sorted and preserved in their own categories...

...including this unique arrangement of skulls.
...including this unique arrangement of skulls.

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